The Artery – Animation and AR (Craven)

8 Jan 2023

Skipton Town Hall

The Artery is a free programme for participants aged 18-35 who are starting out on their freelance creative careers in the screen industries. The programme offers three days of workshops supported by three mentoring sessions to help you create a business or creative practice.

The programme in Craven will take place in Skipton on 8, 15 and 22 January 2023. With a focus on animation and AR,  you will explore the vision for your business, the business skills you need and the business stories you want to tell.

Who’s it for?

The programme is for young people starting out in the screen industries interested in AR or animation who live in the Craven or Scarborough districts of North Yorkshire. Participants are usually aged 18 – 35, but there is some flexibility.

The workshops are free. We ask that anyone who signs up commits to attending fully. The Artery is funded by the Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN). Find out more information and apply.

Booking info

Cost: FREE
