SIGN and XR Stories develop a diversity and inclusion policy

SIGN and XR Stories have developed a diversity and inclusion policy, setting out our commitment, aims and targets to support the inclusive growth of the screen industries of Yorkshire and the Humber.

Recognising both the imperative and the opportunity in our work , we are committed to ensuring equality, diversity and inclusivity are integral to our values, behaviours and all that we do across both projects.

Over the past decade and across the UK, we have witnessed rapid expansion of the screen industries alongside growing concerns that the opportunities created in this vibrant part of the UK’s economy are out of reach for many. Despite an increase in awareness, exclusion and imbalances remain and it is here that we will work for change.

Diversity and inclusion will be placed at the centre of the Creative Cluster development. Investment in the region’s screen industries should deliver both value and fairness, and provide social benefit alongside economic returns.

Yorkshire and the Humber is a world-class cultural destination and an international hub for screen industries activity. We have a significant opportunity to make a difference and help to create an inclusive and diverse sector here.

Read our diversity and inclusion policy.