Call for presentations at Digital Creativity, Industry and Culture conference

SIGN and its sister project, XR Stories, are sponsoring Digital Creativity, Industry and Culture (DCIC 2022) – a multidisciplinary conference hosted by the University of York

DCIC 2022 will bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines across STEM, arts and humanities and the social sciences. The conference format has been designed to maximise the potential for multidisciplinary connections and debates.

We are inviting proposals for short presentations that expose thought-provoking aspects concerning digital creativity, industry and culture. 

Key dates:

  • Wednesday 6 July 2022, 5pm – abstract submission deadline
  • Friday 15 July 2022 – invitation for presentation
  • Friday 22 July 2022 – registration opens
  • Tuesday 20 September 2022 – date of the conference 

Find out more and submit your abstract